Sunday, January 22, 2012

So it begins:) My 13 month old daughter is already "borrowing" my things. For Christmas my Mom(who I am teaching to knit) made me a cowl. Since then Chaeli, my daughter, grabs it and runs or pulls it off me every chance she gets. Having created many knitting patterns before I decided to make a cowl pattern for her. The pattern is below in a range of two sizes - toddler/girl, woman. Please use for your own enjoyment and not monetary purposes and be sure to have fun!

Using a size 8 circular needle and double stranded dk weight or a single stranded worsted weight yarn. I used Hempathy and LOVE it!

Notions:  Stitch markers, yarn needle
Sizes: toddler/girl, woman

CO 80(100) sts and join in the round
Row 1: Knit around
Row 2: Purl around
Row 3-10: k10sts, pm, p10sts, pm *repeat around*
Row 11: bring 5sts to front, k5sts, k5sts brought to front, pm, p10sts, pm *repeat around*
Work rows 3-11 two more times to equal three cables in each cabled section.
Row 12: purl around
Row 13: knit around
BO loosely